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Korea: The Never-Ending War(2019)
Korea: The Never-Ending War

Korea: The Never-Ending War

Vizyon : 2019-04-29

Sure : 114 dk

Puan : 7.9

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Korea: The Never-Ending War

La princesse rouge Open Shutters Memory of Forgotten War M*A*S*H This Is Korea! 2차 송환 태극기 휘날리며 上甘岭 아버지의 이메일 Crossroads Dans la peau de Kim Jong-Un Le Dernier Prince rouge 나는 조선사람입니다 웰컴 투 동막골 굿바이, 평양 경계도시 2 인천상륙작전 K-Hip-Hop, l'onde de choc sud-coréenne A State of Mind

John Cho Madeleine Albright 박정희 George W. Bush Winston Churchill 문재인 Lyndon B. Johnson Bill Clinton Kim Jong-un Никита Хрущёв Kim Il-sung Kim Jong-il Douglas MacArthur Mao Zedong Vyacheslav Molotov Mike Pence Barack Obama Colin Powell Josef Stalin 이승만 Harry S. Truman Donald Trump